WCA Deal Report for July 29, 2022
- Linh S. Nguyễn is a Vietnamese immigrant to Canada, writer, consultant, and workshop facilitator. NO PLACE LIKE HOME, her debut novel, is a middle grade portal fantasy like no other. The author draws on her cultural heritage and elements of the classic Wizard of Oz to create a whimsical narrative for the bookworm in all of us that asks the question, how do you redefine a lost home? Acquired by Suzanne Sutherland at HarperCollins Canada Children’s, with Yash Kesanakurthy editing, for publication on March 14, 2023, by Emmy Nordstrom Higdon at Westwood Creative Artists (world). Rights contact(s): lisa.rundle@harpercollins.com
- HarperCollins Canada has signed Susan Juby to continue her bestselling Helen Thorpe mystery series that launched with MINDFUL OF MURDER. Iris Tupholme took world rights to A MEDITATION OF MAYHEM, where Helen’s charge is a social media-obsessed young heiress implicated in a murder near a Rocky Mountain chateau, and CONTEMPLATION OF A CRIME, where Helen’s posting at a Wyoming ranch has her serving the deeply unhappy Dandy family after the suspicious death of their patriarch, for publication in spring 2024 and spring 2025 respectively. Hilary McMahon at Westwood Creative Artists represented Juby in the negotiations.