WCA Deal Report for March 14, 2025
- Insight Productions has optioned the film and TV rights to Cathy Gildiner’s novel, SEDUCTION, a fast-paced, intellectual thriller that follows Kate Fitzgerald, a woman who has spent a decade in prison, as she works with a private detective to uncover secrets and solve a murder. Full of snappy dialogue, exotic settings, and fast-paced twists, the book combines a detective story with mysterious intricacies of Freudian theory. The deal was arranged by Michael Levine at Westwood Creative Artists on behalf of Hilary McMahon.
- Robin Cass of Cass & Co and Robert Munroe of Blacktop Recess have optioned the film and television rights to Ian Hamilton’s bestselling Ava Lee series and Uncle Chow Tung series. The deal was arranged by Michael Levine at Westwood Creative Artists.