James Maskalyk is Toronto Book Awards Finalist

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9780385665971Congratulations to Toronto Book Awards finalist James Maskalyk! In his nominated book Life on the Ground Floor the author draws upon his experience treating patients in emergency rooms across the globe. The judges said, “Dr. Maskalyk has a gift for distilling a pivotal life moment into almost painful clarity, capturing heartbeats of intermingled triumph and tragedy from a career that spans decades and continents.”

The 2017 Awards will be handed out October 12 at the Toronto Reference Library’s Bram and Bluma Appel Salon.

Summer Buzz for Karma Brown’s In This Moment

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lgcover.9781460396674Since it’s May release, Karma Brown’s latest novel In This Moment has been enthusiastically received by fans new and old. Ms. Career Girl calls it “the most thought-provoking reading adventure of the season,” and Working Mother says, “you will be a forever fan after completing this breathtaking tale.” In This Moment has made a number of “must-read” lists including Brit + Co‘s 10 Magnetic Reads for Memorial Day Weekend, Bookstr‘s 20 Books for Your Ultimate Summer Reading List, and Redbook‘s 20 Must-Read Books for Spring 2017.

Elle Wild and Jennifer Manuel in BCLiving

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Wild - Strange ThignsHeaviness of Things That Float - ManuelWe are thrilled to see books from Arthur Ellis Award winner Elle Wild and Ethel Wilson Prize winner Jennifer Manuel on BCLiving’s list of 11 Great Summer Reads by B.C. Authors. Wild’s debut thriller Strange Things Done takes place in the sleepy tourist town of Dawson City, Yukon, where a suspicious suicide occurs just as the roads are closing for winter. Manuel’s debut novel The Heaviness of Things that Float explores the delicate dynamic between First Nations Communities and non-native outsiders.



Aloha Wanderwell Acknowledged by Guinness World Records

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AlohaIn 1922, a 15-year-old girl, tired of life in a French convent school, answered an advertisement for a traveling secretary. Almost a century later, Aloha Wanderwell has just been recognized by Guinness World Records as the first female to drive around the world. The daring youth, who would fill the role of pilot, actress, and ambassador for world peace, is the subject of Christian Fink-Jensen and Randolph Eustace-Walden’s  Aloha Wanderwell: The Border-Smashing, Record-Setting Life of the World’s Youngest Explorer.

WCA Deal Report for July 9, 2017

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Coauthor of Let Them Eat Dirt B. Brett Finlay, PhD and Jessica M. Finlay’s FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH: HARNESSING YOUR MICROBES FOR LIFELONG HEALTH, exploring cutting-edge science on how microbes everywhere in and on the body, beyond just the gut microbiome, affect health and longevity, to Matthew Lore at The Experiment (US) and Anna Comfort O’Keefe at D&M (Canada), for publication in January 2019, by John Pearce at Westwood Creative Artists in association with Chris Casuccio.

WCA Deal Report for June 28, 2017

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Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize and Sheila Egoff Children’s Literature Prize-winner Ashley Little has sold world rights to her new YA novel, CONFESSIONS OF A TEENAGE LEPER, about a Texan cheerleader who must re-define her sense of self when she receives a rare diagnosis, to Samantha Swenson at Penguin Teen, for publication in fall 2018 by Hilary McMahon of Westwood Creative Artists.

Kamal Al-Solaylee Wins 2017 Shaughnessy Cohen Prize

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Al-Solaylee BROWN coverCongratulations to Kamal Al-Solaylee, whose book Brown: What Being Brown in the World Today Means (to Everyone) won the Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing.

The jury, composed of CBC foreign correspondent Nahlah Ayed, National Postcolumnist Colby Cosh, and former Member of Parliament Megan Leslie selected the winner. Their citation reads:

Not black, not white, but brown: how do skin colour and its shades play out in our relationships, our economy, and our politics? Kamal Al-Solaylee’s book dares to propose and define an emerging racial category, drawing on a lifetime’s travel and inquiry to discuss the common experience and the awkward status of the Latin, Asian, and Mediterranean peoples of the fast-rising global south. Thoughtful and refreshing, Brown has a chance to become a made-in-Canada intellectual landmark.