- Elizabeth Hay’s LATE NIGHTS ON AIR to Kampa Verlag (Germany), by Hannah Nuspliger-Fosh at Liepman, on behalf of Meg Wheeler at Westwood Creative Artists for Jackie Kaiser.
- Dr. Sima Samar’s OUTSPOKEN to Rüffer & Rub Verlag (Germany), by Hannah Nuspliger-Fosh at Liepman, on behalf of Meg Wheeler at Westwood Creative Artists for Hilary McMahon.
- Thomas King’s THE INCONVENIENT INDIAN renewed to Boreal (World French), by Sarah Dray at Anna Jarota Agency, on behalf of Meg Wheeler at Westwood Creative Artists for Jackie Kaiser.
- Thomas King’s A SHORT HISTORY OF INDIANS IN CANADA renewed to Boreal (World French), by Sarah Dray at Anna Jarota Agency, on behalf of Meg Wheeler at Westwood Creative Artists for Jackie Kaiser.
- Alice Kuiper’s LIFE ON THE REFRIGERATOR DOOR to Odinsauga (Iceland), by Meg Wheeler at Westwood Creative Artists for Jackie Kaiser. This deal is for e-book and audiobook rights.
- Dr. David Goldbloom and Dr. Pier Bryden’s HOW CAN I HELP? renewed to Shanghai Educational Publishing House (China), by Jenny Sun and Jackie Huang at Andrew Nurnberg Associates on behalf of Meg Wheeler at Westwood Creative Artists for Michael Levine.
- Thomas King’s DOUBLE EAGLE and BLACK ICE (DreadfulWater series) to Editions Alire (North American French), by Sarah Dray at Anna Jarota Agency, on behalf of Meg Wheeler at Westwood Creative Artists for Jackie Kaiser.