WCA Deal Report for October 3, 2017

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Simon & Schuster Canada VP, Editorial Director Nita Pronovost has acquired Canadian rights to the next two books by BC author Roz Nay whose first book OUR LITTLE SECRET was praised by Ruth Ware, Mary Kubica, Chevy Stevens and Andrew Pyper. OUR LITTLE SECRET was a bestseller in Canada, an award winner in France, also sold Dutch, Polish and audio rights and will publish with St. Martin’s Press in the US in April 2018. The next two books, as yet untitled, are planned for publication in 2018 and 2019. The deal was arranged by Carolyn Forde of Westwood Creative Artists.

Penguin Teen Canada publishing director, Lynne Missen, has acquired North American English rights to two forthcoming young adult novels from the Governor General’s Award-winning When Everything Feels Like the Movies author, Raziel Reid. The first of the two untitled books, KENS, is scheduled for September 2018, and is a modernized re-telling of the cult classic movie, Heathers, in which an unpopular gay kid, desperate to fit in, gets more than he bargained for when he reinvents himself – inside and out – and becomes an unknowing and submissive puppet in a sadistic plan. The deal was arranged by Michael Levine and Liz Culotti at Westwood Creative Artists.

Simon & Schuster Canada’s Vice President and Editorial Director Nita Pronovost has acquired North American English rights to Ruth Marshall’s debut book, a memoir entitled WALK IT OFF: The True and Hilarious Story of How I Learned to Stand, Walk, Pee, Run, and Have Sex Again After a Nightmarish Diagnosis Turned My Awesome Life Upside Down that follows the actress’ journey after she is diagnosed with a rare spinal tumor. Told with humor and searing honesty, this memoir not only entertains but inspires readers to put their best foot forward and walk off anything life throws their way. Publication is planned for January 2018. Bruce Westwood and Meg Wheeler of Westwood Creative Artists arranged the deal.

WCA Deal Report for September 27, 2017

By Deals

Deborah Willis at Freehand Books has acquired Canadian English rights to Michelle Kaeser’s literary novel TOWER OF BABYLON. Publication is planned for Fall 2019 and the deal was arranged by Carolyn Forde of Westwood Creative Artists Ltd.

Alana Wilcox of Coach House has acquired World rights to Lezlie Lowe’s NO PLACE TO GO: Answering the Call of Nature in the Urban Jungle, an investigation into the politics of public restrooms. Publication is planned for Fall 2018 and the deal was arranged by Carolyn Forde of Westwood Creative Artists Ltd.

Senior Editor at Grove Atlantic Corinna Barson has acquired World rights to Toronto-based writer and photographer John Zada’s IN THE VALLEYS OF THE NOBLE BEYOND: Travels in the Great Bear Rainforest in Search of the Sasquatch – a work of narrative non-fiction that braids threads of travel/adventure with Sasquatch lore. Publication is planned for Spring 2018, and the deal was arranged by Carolyn Forde of Westwood Creative Artists Ltd.

WCA Deal Report for September 6, 2017

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Michael Holmes of ECW Press has acquired world English rights to THE VERY MARROW OF OUR BONES, by Christine Higdon. The debut novel tells the story of a fiddler named Lulu Parsons, whose life and attachments are irrevocably altered by the secret she has kept about her mother’s disappearance in the 1960s. Hilary McMahon of Westwood Creative Artists negotiated the deal, with publication slated for spring 2018.

WCA Deal Report for July 27, 2017

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Douglas Richmond at House of Anansi Press has acquired world rights to Jonathan Garfinkel’s THE ALTRUIST, a sophisticated and darkly funny post-Soviet thriller set between Toronto and Tbilisi, Georgia, during the pro-democracy Rose Revolution of 2003. Publication is slated for Spring 2019. The deal was arranged by John Pearce of Westwood Creative Artists.

WCA Deal Report for July 9, 2017

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Coauthor of Let Them Eat Dirt B. Brett Finlay, PhD and Jessica M. Finlay’s FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH: HARNESSING YOUR MICROBES FOR LIFELONG HEALTH, exploring cutting-edge science on how microbes everywhere in and on the body, beyond just the gut microbiome, affect health and longevity, to Matthew Lore at The Experiment (US) and Anna Comfort O’Keefe at D&M (Canada), for publication in January 2019, by John Pearce at Westwood Creative Artists in association with Chris Casuccio.

WCA Deal Report for June 28, 2017

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Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize and Sheila Egoff Children’s Literature Prize-winner Ashley Little has sold world rights to her new YA novel, CONFESSIONS OF A TEENAGE LEPER, about a Texan cheerleader who must re-define her sense of self when she receives a rare diagnosis, to Samantha Swenson at Penguin Teen, for publication in fall 2018 by Hilary McMahon of Westwood Creative Artists.

WCA Deal Report for June 21, 2017

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Deborah Willis at Freehand Books has acquired English-Canadian rights to TWIN STUDIES, a novel centring around twins and gender issues and set in Vancouver between 2009 and 2010, by Keith Maillard, former Chair of the Creative Writing Program at UBC. Publication is slated for Fall 2018 and the deal was arranged by John Pearce of Westwood Creative Artists.

Polish rights to Roz Nay’s debut psychological thriller have sold to Czarna Owca, for their crime and thriller “black series”.  The deal was arranged by Tomasz Berezinski of Graal Literary agency on behalf of Carolyn Forde at Westwood Creative Artists.

WCA Deal Report for June 14, 2017

By Deals

Vietnamese rights to Yann Martel’s The High Mountains of Portugal have been acquired by Tre Publishing House, bringing the number of territories sold to 28. The deal was arranged by Carolyn Forde of Westwood Creative Artists on behalf of Jackie Kaiser.

Arabic rights to Jaspreet Singh’s Chef have been acquired by Al-Rafidain Publication, based in Beirut.  The deal was arranged by Carolyn Forde of Westwood Creative Artists on behalf of Jackie Kaiser.

Arthuss have acquired Ukrainian rights to Don Thompson’s The Supermodel and the Brillo Box.  The deal was arranged by Tatjana Zoldnere of Andrew Nurnberg Associates Baltic and Carolyn Forde of Westwood Creative Artists on behalf of John Pearce.