WCA Deal Report for March 25, 2022

  • Jennifer Smith at ECW Press has acquired world rights to Bill Morneau’s WHERE TO FROM HERE: A PATH TO CANADIAN PROSPERITY, an insightful account of Morneau’s years as the federal Finance minister that explores personalities, achievements and failures with candor, and offers a forward-looking vision for Canadian government and society. Publication is scheduled for January 2023; Hilary McMahon of Westwood Creative Artists inked the deal. 
  • Anna Comfort O’Keefe at Douglas & McIntyre has acquired world English rights to creator of the Mother of All Books series Ann Douglas’ NAVIGATING THE MESSY MIDDLE: A FIERCELY HONEST AND WILDLY ENCOURAGING GUIDE FOR MIDLIFE WOMEN. Drawing on interviews with more than 100 women, Douglas offers practical, evidence-based strategies to create purpose and meaning and push back against the generally toxic attitude about this stage of life. Publication is scheduled for September 2022; Hilary McMahon of Westwood Creative Artists represented Douglas in the deal.