WCA Deal Report for November 23, 2018

By Deals

Triton has acquired Czech language rights to B. Brett Finlay and Jessica Finlay’s THE WHOLE BODY MICROBIOME: How to Harness Microbes – Inside and Out – for Lifelong Health. The deal was arranged by the Kristin Olsen Literary Agency and Carolyn Forde at Westwood Creative Artists on behalf of John Pearce.

Tabahon Publishing has acquired Macedonian rights to Annabel Lyon’s 2011 novel THE GOLDEN MEAN. The deal was arranged by PLIMA Literary Agency and Carolyn Forde at Westwood Creative Artists on behalf of Jackie Kaiser.

Destino/Planeta have renewed their license for world Spanish rights to Yann Martel’s 2002 novel LIFE OF PI. The deal was arranged by Sandra Bruna Agency and Carolyn Forde at Westwood Creative Artists on behalf of Jackie Kaiser.

WCA Deal Report for November 9, 2018

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Lara Hinchberger of Penguin Canada has acquired North American English rights to HIDEAWAY by Nicole Lundrigan, author of The Substitute and Glass Boys. Told from the perspectives of two young siblings, one who runs away and one who stays with an increasingly erratic mother who is desperate to save her marriage, this suspenseful novel asks what happens when home is the most dangerous place you can be. Hilary McMahon of Westwood Creative Artists negotiated the deal, with publication slated for summer 2019.

WCA Deal Report for October 17, 2018

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Vietnamese rights to Medcan Chair and CEO Shaun Francis’, EAT, MOVE, THINK: The Path to a Healthier, Stronger, Happier You have been acquired by Huy Huang. The deal was arranged by Santo Manurung at Maxima Creative Agency and Carolyn Forde at Westwood Creative Artists, on behalf of Michael A. Levine.

World French rights to Kim Fu’s acclaimed debut FOR TODAY I AM A BOY about an transgender only son who is expected to fulfil his father’s dreams of masculinity but knows in his heart that he is a girl, to Heliotrope. The deal was arranged by Deborah Druba of Anna Jarota Agency and Carolyn Forde at Westwood Creative Artists, on behalf of Jackie Kaiser.

Estonian rights to the third volume of Jay Ingram’s bestselling pop science series, SCIENCE OF WHY to Rahva Raamat. The deal was arranged by Andrew Nurnberg Baltic and Carolyn Forde at Westwood Creative Artists, on behalf of Jackie Kaiser.

Governor-General’s award-winning author Susin Nielsen (No Fixed Address) has sold a new picture book, PRINCESS PUFFYBOTTOM… AND DARRYL, about a pampered cat who is not amused when her “subjects” allow an unwanted intruder into her “kingdom,” to Tara Walker at Tundra Books/Penguin Random Canada, in an exclusive submission for world rights. Olivia Chin Mueller will illustrate; publication is scheduled for spring 2019. Hilary McMahon at Westwood Creative Artists negotiated the deal for Nielsen, and Nicole Tugeau at Tugeau 2, Inc. represented Mueller.

WCA Deal Report for September 21, 2018

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Brad Wilson, Editorial Director of HarperCollins Canada has acquired World rights to internationally bestselling novelist Karma Brown’s first work of non-fiction. In the vein of The Happiness Project, GET UP EARLY, CHANGE YOUR LIFE is about uncovering the “magic” hours each day that allow you to accomplish a passion project you never imagined you’d have time for. Publication is set for Winter 2021. The deal was arranged by Carolyn Forde of Westwood Creative Artists.

WCA Deal Report for September 14, 2018

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In a two-book deal, Samantha Swenson at Tundra Books has acquired world rights to debut author and illustrator Lauren Soloy’s picture book, WHEN EMILY WAS SMALL, which follows iconic Canadian painter Emily Carr as a young child as she celebrates the magic and wonder of a childhood spent immersed in nature, and a second untitled picture book. Publication is scheduled for Summer 2020 and Summer 2021, respectively. Jackie Kaiser of Westwood Creative Artists negotiated the deal.

Acclaimed BC poet Jordan Scott has sold world rights to his debut picture book, I TALK LIKE A RIVER, about a boy who stutters and the father who empowers him to endure it, to Neal Porter at Holiday House. Greenaway medalist Sydney Smith will illustrate, with publication planned for fall 2020. Hilary McMahon at Westwood Creative Artists represents the author and Emily van Beek at Folio Jr./Folio Literary Management represents the illustrator.

WCA Deal Report for September 7, 2018

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Susanne Alexander and Matthew Halliday at Goose Lane Editions have acquired Canadian Rights (English and French) to ocean journalist Laura Trethewey’s IMPERILED OCEAN: Human Stories from a Changing Sea; a deeply-reported work of narrative journalism that follows people as they head out to sea, showing that what they discover holds both inspiring and dire implications for the life of the ocean and for all of us back on land. The deal was arranged by John Pearce at Westwood Creative Artists in association with Chris Casuccio on behalf of Suzy Evans at Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency.

WCA Deal Report for July 25, 2018

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Professor and poet Madhur Anand’s THE ASYMMETRIC HEART, an intergenerational memoir which weaves stories of her family’s move from pre-Partition Punjab to Canada with the physical manifestations of separation and symmetry, to Haley Cullingham at Strange Light, for publication in spring 2020, by Hilary McMahon at Westwood Creative Artists (world English).

WCA Deal Report for July 18, 2018

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World English rights to Hannah Mary McKinnon’s domestic suspense novel THE OTHER SISTER have sold to MIRA. The deal was arranged by Carolyn Forde of Westwood Creative Artists. Publication is planned for 2020.

Spanish rights to Darrel Bricker and John Ibbitson’s EMPTY PLANET, about the decline of the world’s population, have been acquired by Ediciones B. Deals have also been concluded in China, Japan, Korea, the US and the UK. The Spanish sale was arranged by the Sandra Bruna Literary Agency and Carolyn Forde of Westwood Creative Artists on behalf of John Pearce of Westwood Creative Artists.

Italian rights to Karma Brown’s next novel, the domestic noir RECIPE FOR A PERFECT WIFE, have been acquired by DeAPlaneta. The deal was arranged by The Italian Agency on behalf of Carolyn Forde at Westwood Creative Artists. Viking will publish in Canada and Dutton in the US, with publication set for 2020.

WCA Deal Report for June 29, 2018

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Discovery Channel host and award-winning author Jay Ingram’s third installment in the bestselling pop science series, THE SCIENCE OF WHY 3: ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ABOUT SCIENCE MYTHS, MYSTERIES, AND MARVELS, full of browsable science facts that will amuse and fascinate readers of all ages, to Nita Pronovost and Brendan May at Simon & Schuster Canada, for publication in November 2018, by Jackie Kaiser at Westwood Creative Artists (North American English).

Ann Kelley at Random House/Schwartz & Wade has acquired world rights to BC poet (and author of Tree Song) Tiffany Stone‘s picture book SILLI’S SHEEP, about a man named Silli who resourcefully arranges his sturdy sheep (actually rocks) into a little hut, and is finally sheltered from the wind. Publication is scheduled for summer 2020; Hilary McMahon at Westwood Creative Artists inked the deal.

World rights to Catherine Gildiner’s (Too Close to the Falls) GOOD MORNING, MONSTER, recounting the inspirational stories of psychological heroes that Gildiner encountered during her twenty-five years as a psychologist, have been acquired by Penguin publishing director Diane Turbide, for publication by Penguin Random House in fall 2019. Gildiner was represented by Hilary McMahon at Westwood Creative Artists.

Penguin publishing director Diane Turbide has acquired Canadian English rights to DON’T CALL IT A CULT, an account of the secretive NXIVM organization and its recently arrested founder Keith Raniere. VICE senior writer Sarah Berman explores how an expensive self-help training program grew into an international enterprise that involved a shocking “sorority” that branded, blackmailed, and enslaved female followers. The deal was arranged by Carolyn Forde at Westwood Creative Artists, with publication by Penguin Random House Canada is planned for late 2019.

WCA Deal Report for June 22, 2018

By Deals

Susan Rich at Little, Brown Children’s has bought ENCOUNTER by Brittany Luby (Anishinaabe) with art by Michaela Goade (Tlingit.) Based on notes kept by French explorer Jacques Cartier, Encounter imagines a first meeting between a French sailor and a Stadaconan fisher as they observe their differences, while the natural world around them offers evidence of their commonality. Publication is planned for Fall 2019; Jackie Kaiser at Westwood Creative Artists represented the author in the deal for World rights excluding Canada, and Kirsten Hall at Catbird Agency represented the illustrator. Canadian rights acquired by Tara Walker at Tundra Books.

Award winning author of Falling, Anne Simpson’s new novel, SPEECHLESS, about a young journalist working in Nigeria who has a fatwa issued against her after she writes a newspaper article about a teenage girl charged with adultery, to Kelsey Attard at Freehand Books, for publication in Spring 2020, by Jackie Kaiser at Westwood Creative Artists (World).

Karma Brown‘s RECIPE FOR A PERFECT WIFE, told in dual narratives in which a woman finds a cookbook buried in an old box in the basement of her new home and becomes captivated with the cookbook’s previous owner, a 1950s housewife; dissatisfied with her own life and losing her grip on reality one retro recipe at a time, she will decide how far she’s willing to go to get the life she wants, to Maya Ziv at Dutton, by Carolyn Forde at Westwood Creative Artists (US).